Using the Family and Generational Blessings Flash Cards, write each of the statements on slips of paper folded up and placed into a box/container with a lid, called the treasure box. Have the children take turns pulling a slip of paper from the treasure box to discover the treasures inside of them while you read the statement aloud, inserting their name. Have the other children cheer or shout, “Nice to meet you!” after each child’s statement is read aloud over them. For example, “[Jared] chooses to speak truth for the Word of God dwells in [him].” Then the class cheers, “Nice to meet you, Jared!” The exercise will help to solidify to the truth of who each child is and the blessings or treasures of God that they carry inside of them, just waiting to be released!

The Family and Generational Blessings Flash Cards include 14 flash cards that can be printed for hands-on use or viewed on any PDF supporting digital device. Each card features real-life imagery with statements that speak directly to your child’s value, identity, character, and destiny. Fill in your child’s name for a personal connection both from reader to child as well as from God’s heart to his/hers.


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