A Note from Dr. Melodye Hilton
Founder of Who’s Teaching the Babies?®
Helping your kids to understand the power and authority that Jesus has given them and how to simply walk in it in everyday life is preparing them ahead of time to succeed and walk in victory in every way. This is the Salvation that Jesus paid for and the power that He has given to every son and daughter of God–without age limit.
We have used these spirit-inspired scriptural steps with very young children, and in most all cases they have received instant freedom from the attacks of the enemy in their life. This is training them in self-deliverance, the affects of good and bad fruit, and how to make right choices.
We have incorporated these concepts and object lessons in our children’s ministry and many parents have done them with their children at home – it has helped Mom and Dad, too!
When you know that your child has opened themselves up to situations or circumstances have set them up for an attack of the enemy, you can help them to overcome without shame, fear, or constant punishment.
May Jesus lead and guide you by His Spirit as you teach, train and pour life – through the Word of God – into the very valuable and precious child/children that God has entrusted to your care.
Be blessed as you continue to equip an anointed generation!
1 JOHN 4:4
“My dear children, you belong to God. So you have defeated them because God’s Spirit, who is in you, is greater than the devil, who is in the world”
What it means to belong to God
The meaning of total Salvation
How to take authority over what can and cannot enter your life
How to recognize God's fruit from the fruit of the enemy
The importance of putting on the armor of God
A simple process for self-deliverance for any age
How to lead someone else through deliverance
9-page lesson plan
Teaching notes with Scriptures
Object Lessons
"Act it Out" Activity
Memory verse
"Speak the Truth" statements
Identity Statements & Prayers
Download the GOD WANTS ME TO BE FREE Lesson Plan
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