Using the Color Flash Cards, have the children go on a seek and find mission to discover all the items in the space of the color you call out from the flash card. Once the children point out all the items they can find of that color, read the flash card and have them repeat after you the description of that color. Continue with the other color flash cards. The children will not only begin to learn their colors, but they will also never see them simply as colors, again!
The Colors Flash Cards include a set of 10 vibrant flash cards each featuring a different color. Beneath the color name are several corresponding identity statements to be read to or by the child. This set also includes interactive “hide and seek” cards where child can point out objects of various colors. Colors Flash Cards are a great tool for teaching colors while speaking truth into a child’s life at the same time! Cards can be printed and laminated for hands-on use or viewed on a digital device.
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