Using the Trinity Flash Cards and your favorite kids’ worship songs, have the kids dance to the music! Then, pause the music, have all the kids freeze, and say the title of the flash card followed by one the of attributes of that member of the Trinity, having the children repeat after you. For example: pause the music, have everyone freeze and then you say, “Jesus is… PERFECT LOVE!” The children should repeat this by shouting after you. Then replay the music until you are ready to pause and read the next attribute. You can even play a different worship song for each member of the Trinity to peak their interest. This exercise will teach your children who their God is–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and with the aid of music, associate His name with positive feelings through music.

To find out more about how using life-giving music in the learning environment aids the brain’s perception of what is being learned, check out our blog post from September 21, 2016 on “Teaching Our Brains to Partner with How we Perceive Reward, Part 2.


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