Using the Colors Flash Cards and modeling clay/dough (with colors to match the Flash Cards), explain to the children that they are going to find out what God has placed inside of their hearts.
Explain that they are going to make their own individual heart with the clay using the colors you will provide for them. You can ask them, “Who would like some clay to begin making your heart?” Then, read one of the Colors Flash Cards to them and give all of the children a portion of that color to begin shaping their hearts. You can then ask them, “Who would like another color clay to make your heart?” One by one, repeat this with each Flash Card and corresponding color clay, giving them more clay to add to the shaping of their hearts. They can feel free to mash the colors together as they choose, and use as little or as much clay from what you provide for them, in order to build their heart creations.
Once they are done, have them come up and show all the other children their hearts that they built, describing the colors, placement, shapes, and even amounts they used. Have them also explain what their creations demonstrate about what God has placed inside their hearts.
Through this exercise the children will learn about their colors, as well as the Biblical meaning and symbolism of the colors. In addition, they will learn more about their Identity of who God has made them to be, and who He will help them to grow into by His love for them.
The Colors Flash Cards of 10 vibrant flash cards each featuring a different color. Beneath the color name are several corresponding identity statements to be read to or by the child. This set also includes interactive “hide and seek” cards where child can point out objects of various colors. Colors Flash Cards are a great tool for teaching colors while speaking truth into a child’s life at the same time! Cards can be printed and laminated for hands-on use or viewed on a digital device.
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