by Nikevia Lebron
Wife, praise maker, cinnamon roll baker, and super mommy of 3.
Hello everyone!
My name is Nikevia Lebron and I am a wife, mother, and minister. Thinking back to early childhood I used to tell my mom that I couldn’t wait to grow up and be a grandmother. She’d laugh and say, “You have to be a mother first,” but in my mind my grandmother was the best! She had lots of grandchildren and that’s what I wanted—to have lots of children around me and to love on them, just like my grandmother. As I grew older and began to think about my life and career journey, all I ever could pinpoint as a desire of my heart was to do ministry and be a wife and mother. So here I am on this journey of parenthood just like the rest of you. I pray that you are blessed by what Holy Spirit shares and reveals to me in my daily walk of life as a parent.
Love and goldfish crackers,

In a perfect world, my day would start with me rising before my husband to prepare for him a hot breakfast to have before work, us sitting down for a morning devotion, kissing him goodbye and then enjoying quiet time with the Father before the children wake up.
My mornings are more like this: Husband gets up at 4:30AM and kneels beside me to pray together only for me to drift off to sleep before the “In Jesus Name, Amen” because I’m exhausted from being up at night off and on with our 10-month old twins, then back up at around 5:30AM to prepare morning bottles for the twins, drifting back off to sleep, then startled out of my sleep around 7:00AM by little two-year-old fingers touching my face accompanied by an attempted “whispering” voice saying, “Mommy! Wake Up! Mommy; orange juice please!” Sound familiar?

Okay…Okay… I’m awake! By now, the not-so-quiet whispering has awakened the twins and I have three bouncing boys in my bed ready to start the day. Wait! I’m not ready! With tired eyes I tell each one of my sons “good morning” individually by name and then I say “now let’s say good morning to Jesus!” The toddler and I loudly say Gooooooood Morning Jesus, while the twins bounce and clap in excitement, and off we go to start our day with breakfast and family devotion.
As a mother, there are a million things awaiting us once our feet hit the floor; laundry, dishes, dirty diapers, bathrooms to clean, meals to prepare, and the list goes on. It is so easy to get up and rush to your checklist of things to do that we often times neglect to spend time with Christ or struggle to figure out how to incorporate our time with Him into our busy life as a mother. This was me and often times, I still have to slow myself down and reprioritize my day.
By starting each morning with encouraging my sons to tell Jesus, “good morning”, I believe I am teaching them that just as mommy and daddy are excited to hear from them first thing in the morning when they wake up, so is Jesus excited to hear from them too. Also, that Jesus should be our priority, that He should be the start of our day. This simple lesson that I present to the boys each day is a constant reminder to me to slow down, to always make time for Him, and to keep Him first; the dishes and laundry can wait!
So, Mommy, the next time you get out the bed and sprint off to your start your chores (just kidding), and somewhere midday realize that you’ve not taken time out for your Heavenly Father, take a deep breath and simply say, “Good Morning Jesus!”
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“I believe I am teaching them that just as mommy and daddy are excited to hear from them first thing in the morning when they wake up, so is Jesus excited to hear from them too.” That was great.
Thank you for tuning in. I know you are doing an AMAZING job with Genesis.
Your not only teaching your son’s, your also teaching your earthly father, Love Ya!!!
Such a great idea!! I love it!
Oh, how I needed this! It’s so nice to know I’m not alone and that there are other mothers who think this way and want to set good examples for their children of how to walk with Christ! Thank you for sharing!!!
I’m not a mother, but this was a good read for a working college student, too. My “to dos” can wait one moment while I say “good morning” to Jesus. Thanks for that reminder … Also, you’re a great storyteller! I can imagine the bouncing babies eager to start their day 🙂 Grace to Nikevia, Lord!
Thank you Brianna! So glad to see that this writing impacted others beyond parents. Blessings to you!
Needed this ❤! Inspiring, love. Thank you for blogging