Using the Prophetic Decrees Flash Cards, print out the Supporting Scriptures file and cut the statements and/or scriptures out individually. Then, using colorful plastic Easter Eggs, fill each egg with a Wall Scripture and another surprise such as a sticker, a goldfish cracker, marshmallow, or an opportunity to select a prize from a basket. Then, hide the eggs all over the room. Tell the children that today we are going to find out the Truth about who we are and who God is! Explain to them that they will each be able to go a find one Easter egg, and then bring it back and sit down. You can either allow them to open the eggs while sitting and waiting, or you can have them wait until you call on them. Once all the children are done, have them come up to the front one by one where you can help them to open their egg, enjoy their surprise, and then you can read the Scripture verse over them (having them repeat if they are able to). Have the other children cheer, and then allow the next child to come up. Once finished, you can hide the eggs again after refilling them, and repeating the exercise.
Through this activity the children will learn not only the Truth about them and their God, and associate that with positive memories, but also they will learn to go and find out the Truth of who they are and Who their God is!

Life and death are in the power of the tongue and there is authority in the words that we say. This set of 10 flash cards provides colorful images with declarations that powerfully proclaim each child’s position in the family of God. They decree truths such as, “All my choices will honor God,” “I always speak the truth in love,” and “I am a Kingdom leader caring for the good of others.” These cards can be printed and laminated for hands-on use or viewed on any PDF supporting digital device.
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