How Our Thoughts and Choices Are Affecting the Hearts, Minds, and Well-Being of Our Children

Happy BabyAs our child gets older, with the raising of our now second, third, or fourth child, or even with the new role of being a grand-parent, we could probably all say, “I wish I knew then, what I know now.” We begin to realize that as a child gets older, and they begin to gain understanding of their environment and the consequences of their choices, having the right foundation or mindset is crucial. Yes, our mindsets do change over time, with the renewing of our minds. However, this doesn’t keep us from wondering, “What if we could start at the beginning? What if we could make the most of that child-like faith?” This would allow all future understanding and choices about the whole sphere of their lives to flow out of this place of identity, security, and truth.


Whether or not a child is old enough to fully understand the truths being spoken over them and to them—even in the womb, these truths being laid as a foundation from the beginning not only affect their understanding, leading to their life choices, but also their very genetics. The fact is that parents and children are NOT victims of their biology, environment, genetics, or generational line. As we as parents, care-givers, and teachers make choices to influence what we believe and what our children believe, we will reap the benefits of an abundant life.

So how can our words, spoken in alignment with God’s Word—the Truth—affect the very foundation of even one too little to comprehend?

One such way scientists have found is through what is called, “Epigenetics.” Dr. Heidi Skye, a Neuroendocrinologist, chiropractor, holistic healer, and mother describes this concept in relation to parenting, and how that can affect even the health of your child.

Any parent struggling with a child with any health complication would do anything they could to bring health and wholeness to him or her. How much more is this true of our heavenly Father? God has made it possible for you as a parent or teacher to partner with Him through agreeing with and speaking His Truth over your child. This affects not only their earliest thought-life, but also their genetic make-up.

With the vast amount of information available today, the tree of knowledge of good and evil has become so readily accessible. We have to make choices as to where we will put our trust, and teach this to our children. It’s amazing that science has also proven this biblical truth!

Smiling Boy

“The new understanding (epigenetics) is that you do have a library of genes, but you have control over their expression. You may inherit the gene for heart disease, but your internal bodily environment can be such that it is either expressed or not. Whether the gene is “on” or “off” is not hardwired, but interactive. And it’s something you can influence.”[1]

That’s good news for the parent or teacher that faces the effects of environmental, genetic, or even generational challenges and needs hope to affect change. We are not stuck, and neither are our children!

While epigenetics has referred to how our diets and environment (and even certain drugs) may affect our genetic expression, Dr. Heidi Skye points out that also our thought life—what we believe and what we are saying with our mouths—powerfully affects our genetic expression.

“Epigenetics refers to ‘above’ the genome. The scientific understanding of epigenetics is that genes are responsive to your thoughts and life choices.”[2]

Boy with Bible


As we as parents and teachers begin to influence the minds and hearts of our little ones, even before they are mature enough to fully understand, we are influencing their internal “petri dishes” with either trust (as we speak the Truth of God’s Word) or fear (as we speak from the carnal mind and reasoning).



“A brain perceiving trust creates a culture medium that grows, develops, has a healthy and controlled immune response, and creates a healthy body. A fearful brain goes into a stress response and releases stress hormones and inflammatory chemicals, stops cells from growing and results in a contracted body—and disease results.”[3]

Even at the youngest age, we are establishing the health and viability of our children through the spoken word. We are establishing both ours and their beliefs of who they are and who they will become, including their health. How can we not release the abundant life the Father has intended for us and our children? It’s available and in our hands to do so.

[1] Skye, Dr. Heidi. “Health Lives In Your Mind, Not In Your Genes: Parents As Genetic Engineers, Part 1.” Dr. Heidi Skye. https://drheidiskye.com/2015/holistic-parenting/health-lives-in-your-mind-not-in-your-genes-parents-as-genetic-engineers-part-1/?audience=healthymoms. Accessed 31 Aug 2016.

[2] Skye, Dr. Heidi. “Health Lives In Your Mind, Not In Your Genes: Parents As Genetic Engineers, Part 1.” Dr. Heidi Skye. https://drheidiskye.com/2015/holistic-parenting/health-lives-in-your-mind-not-in-your-genes-parents-as-genetic-engineers-part-1/?audience=healthymoms. Accessed 31 Aug 2016.

[3] Skye, Dr. Heidi. “Health Lives In Your Mind, Not In Your Genes: Parents As Genetic Engineers, Part 1.” Dr. Heidi Skye. https://drheidiskye.com/2015/holistic-parenting/health-lives-in-your-mind-not-in-your-genes-parents-as-genetic-engineers-part-1/?audience=healthymoms. Accessed 31 Aug 2016.

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