Are Children Too Young to Receive Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Written by TAMARA KRAFT for Kids in Ministry International
Find more by Tamara and her ministry on her website
“I was leading a workshop at a Pentecostal church for children’s leaders when I came to the topic of children receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As usual, I received blank stares followed by a question from one brave person who asked what everyone else was thinking. “Aren’t children too young to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?”
“The baptism of the Holy Spirit is something you achieve after you’ve been a Christian for a certain amount of time or reach a certain age. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a free gift, like salvation, for everyone, including children, who believes.”

“Both of my children received the Holy Spirit when they were children. Many children in my children’s ministry throughout the years have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many times when I hold children’s revivals or speak at church camp, children receive the Holy Spirit.
There is no age limit mentioned in the Bible, and there is no age limit I have observed while ministering to children over the last 28 years. Children can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
PLUS this FREE lesson plan with object lessons for leading children in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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