Made to Bless
Using the Kingdom Character Flash Cards, and a variety of props such as blocks, dolls, modeling clay, crayons and paper, etc., tell the children that our friends need our help!
Using the Kingdom Character Flash Cards, and a variety of props such as blocks, dolls, modeling clay, crayons and paper, etc., tell the children that our friends need our help!
My husband and I thoroughly enjoy that we have a little boy who, more times than not, thinks outside of any box we could imagine. He quickly turns a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” into “Crab Claw, Underwater Sea Goggles, and Lava,” without blinking an eye.
Using the set of Wall Scriptures, and a special mat, platform, or step to represent a stage, have the children one by one come up and stand “on stage” to act out one of the Scriptures from the Wall Scriptures set, to demonstrate to the other children.
My 6-year-old son and I sat down together as we regularly do to practice his reading abilities. Just like times in the past, he tried to dodge having to take the time to read and do his homework… He tried to read that same book that he always reads and has all the words memorized…
As a parent, have you ever taken the time to sit and observe the interactions of your child with other children? We often spend time in their early years observing their play to make sure they don’t bite anyone or scale a bookcase, and also to help them learn how to “give Johnny a turn” and say “please” for that toy train they just grabbed.