Written by JEANNENE S. for Who’s Teaching the Babies?®

I am thankful for how far the church has come as a whole in recognizing the value and treasures inside each one of us. We now have insight into strengths, gifts, talents, and even personality styles that help us to appreciate that each one of us adds something different to the body of Christ. We are all uniquely knitted together by God Himself, and He calls His creation good. I am also thankful for the impact that this understanding has had on the way we as a body raise and train up our kids. We are beginning to realize and appreciate that our kids are different than ourselves, and have their own unique destinies using all the wonderful treasures God has put inside of them. We are watching in awe and wonder as we see them blossom and grow into their unique personalities, and begin to dream with God about what their futures and destinies for the Kingdom of God hold.

We are beginning to realize that those areas in the hearts of our children that we push up against the most are more than likely the beginning stages of the strengths God has put inside of them. Now that we know this, we can exhale knowing the only One who can truly refine those things—and they must be refined for His purposes—is our loving Creator. So we appreciate the unique value and workings in the hearts and minds of our children, while we speak to those things not as though they seem now, but as they are in heaven. We remind them who they are, and Who they belong to.

If you’ve ever raised a child that has strong leadership qualities, you are probably giggling to yourself as you read this post. Even if you haven’t yet raised a child with obvious leadership qualities, know that you are still raising a leader. As believers and disciples of Christ, we are all called to lead and to be powerful Kingdom influences through our lives lived for Him. This is not a role, gift, talent, or trait that we can opt out of—although sometimes being a true leader is not always easy. So, once we settle in our hearts that not only are we, ourselves leaders, but our children are also, we can begin to grow our children in this area through our example. What I mean by this is not only that we teach by example, but also, in order to be a true leader, we must first learn to be led. So, our realization that we are leaders in our homes and in our communities as disciples of Christ enables us to make other disciples. Every disciple must first learn how to be led, before they can truly lead. The value of us understanding this as adults, parents, and leaders in our homes and communities, and the affect it has on those we encounter and ultimately lead or influence, is crucial. We can’t opt out of leading as parents and leaders in our homes, any more than our kids can opt out of accepting our leadership and then becoming leaders themselves, to be true disciples of Christ. It’s when my husband and I realized this, that we went from trying to keep up with our child (who had obvious leadership drive), to showing him how to lead. If he was going to grow into the gifts and callings that God has placed on his life and be fruitful in them, he first had to understand what true leadership looks like by learning to be led. Learning to be led by first your natural, Godly leadership trains you how to be led by God’s Spirit, and then to lead by His Spirit—and that is true wisdom.

With a world full of knowledge at our fingertips, many voices fighting to be heard and to influence, endless different opportunities to make it to the “top” and to find your own path—true disciples of Christ that have surrendered to His path are going to be true light to this generation. So, as you bless the treasures that God has placed inside your child—even if you can’t quite see it yet—bless the leader in you that God has called you to be as His disciple, and to make disciples, even in your children. Only then will your children learn to be led so that they can then powerfully lead through the expressions God has uniquely given them.

Helpful Resource:

For more information on how raise up a leader in your home, check out this book, The Seven Habits of Happy Kids, written by Sean Covey. Sean Covey is a best-selling author and Education Practice Leader and Senior Vice President of Innovations at Franklin Covey.


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