God’s Big Family!

God’s Big Family!

This is a great way to utilize even snack or meal time as a demonstration of the Father’s heart over them, and to recognize their identity as part of God’s big family!

I Am Powerful in God

I Am Powerful in God

This exercise will give the children an opportunity to learn how to serve and be helpful to those in need, as well as learn who it is that God says they are, no matter their age or current ability!

You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Through this exercise, the children will not only discover more about their God through all that He has made—including our numbers—but they will also learn their numbers and how to “draw” them, creatively!

Inside of Me

Inside of Me

Through this exercise the children will learn about their colors, as well as the Biblical meaning and symbolism of the colors. In addition, they will learn more about their Identity of who God has made them to be, and who He will help them to grow into by His love for them.