Colors of Life

Colors of Life

Colors Flash Cards are a great tool for teaching colors while speaking truth into a child’s life at the same time! Cards can be printed and laminated for hands-on use or viewed on a digital device.

It’s Time to Celebrate!

It’s Time to Celebrate!

Explain that just as we like to celebrate our friends on their birthdays, God loves to celebrate us for who he created us to be. He likes to rejoice over us for the unique purposes we each have. As they cover their hats with colors, shapes, and sparkles, explain how God covers them with celebration and promises too.

Seeds of Life

Seeds of Life

For this activity you will need the Identity Statements Flash Cards, plastic sandwich zipper bags, damp paper towels, bean seeds (like lima beans or green beans), and an already sprouted seed or plant (or even a picture of one).

Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

Through this exercise the children will learn the character and identity that God has knitted inside each of them—who they truly are—just waiting to be illuminated by His Spirit through them as they trust and believe in Him.

Teacher Says

Teacher Says

This game will not only remind the children of God’s promises and the identity that He has given them through a fun game, but it will also help to build their abilities to listen for a direction and quickly obey, with positive memories and truths about themselves and God associated with that exercise.

God’s Big Family!

God’s Big Family!

This is a great way to utilize even snack or meal time as a demonstration of the Father’s heart over them, and to recognize their identity as part of God’s big family!

I Am Powerful in God

I Am Powerful in God

This exercise will give the children an opportunity to learn how to serve and be helpful to those in need, as well as learn who it is that God says they are, no matter their age or current ability!

You Can Do It!

You Can Do It!

Through this exercise, the children will not only discover more about their God through all that He has made—including our numbers—but they will also learn their numbers and how to “draw” them, creatively!

Inside of Me

Inside of Me

Through this exercise the children will learn about their colors, as well as the Biblical meaning and symbolism of the colors. In addition, they will learn more about their Identity of who God has made them to be, and who He will help them to grow into by His love for them.